Our aim is to  support all local Kidney Patients, including Pre-Dialysis, Post-transplant, Central Renal unit, Home Dialysis and Persons of Concern.

Literature & National Associations information readily available to all patients, and a link to the NKF (National Kidney Federation) Can be found here -
Shropshire Kidney Patients Association can also provide assistance to patients if in distressed circumstances, wherever possible, and support to family and friends.

Items & Equipment supplied to units when not funded by NHS, which including over many years, dialysis machines, heat pads, clocks, weighing scales.

All donations to the Charity most welcomed from organisations, sponsorship, raffles, & collections legacies, grants, in conjunction with our own fundraising. 

The Shropshire Kidney Patient Association is made up of the following members -

Patron - Lord Forester
President - Dr Kevin Eardley
Chairman - Tom Beaumont,
Email - tombeau17@btinternet.com

Tel No 07777 632579 

Vice Chairman - Barbara Soden,

Email; barbsoden@gmail.com

Tel 07816 375047

If you wish to donate please make payment to,

Shropshire Kidney Patients Association .

Lloyds Bank,

Sort Code 30-98-97

Account No 83048863 

Please leave name of company/person making the donation